Sunday, November 25, 2007

Traffic Exchanges

If you know anything about internet marketing and getting traffic to your site, you know that Pay-Per-Click can be expensive. And, if you don't know what you are doing, you can find yourself in debt and going out of business quickly. There are a lot of ways to market your business online. However, the use of traffic exchanges is the one most affordable.

Traffic exchanges work by giving the advertiser credits. These credits are used to advertise your website to users within the exchange. Most of the websites will allow you to purchase thousands of hits for almost nothing, so you can focus your time on marketing your business using other methods.

Make sure you use traffic exchanges in your marketing plan. If you do, you will increase traffic to your website, which translates into more sales for you!

One more thing, with traffic exchanges, the more popular the traffic exchange sites become, the higher your pege rank becomes in search engines like Google and MSN!

Here are the traffic exchanges I like the most:

Hits2u and Traffic Swarm

Both sites allow free surfing for credits and the opportunity to purchase credits.

Well, that's all for now folks. I hope and pray your holiday this season is full of joy and the freedom that comes along with having your own business.

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